@Skoop perhaps there’s a middle option. A lazy dynamic CMS. instead of converting markdown files to HTML at build time, they could converted as needed, when the request comes in.
@awoodsnet hmm... Bolt CMS has a markdown database, so it should be relatively easy to just do the migration once. Also allows me to manage my past posts with the CMS immediately
@Skoop i auggest this as i’m planning to do this lazy dynamic approach. My goal is to not use a database. i want someone with just PHP and markdown files to be able to manage their personal website
@awoodsnet @Skoop I've been wanting to extend sculpin in this way. A while back i even started making a web-based page editor that it could run when in --serve mode. It kind of stalled, but still exists: https://github.com/sculpin/sculpin/pull/443
Maybe I'll get back to it at some point. Unsure, because I'm also tempted to rewrite sculpin from scratch. But also, I wonder if the SSG concept has fallen by the wayside. I just can't see a way to make it easy and appealing for non-developers as it currently exists.