I've just released version 3.2.0 of Sculpin, a PHP static site generator. This version contains fixes & dependency upgrades that will hopefully make it behave better on PHP 8.
Thanks to GitHub user sunadarake, for their new event called EVENT_AFTER_GENERATE.
Thanks to GitHub user friartuck6000, for their fix for an iconv-related misbehaviour.
https://github.com/sculpin/sculpin/releases/tag/3.2.0 #sculpin #php8 #ssg #staticsitegenerator
@kboyd thank you! I'll try it as as soon as I can on the PHP-FIG website, I was using the PR for the unicode fix since ages!
@alessandrolai sorry it took so long - life got in the way. Let me know how it goes for the FIG site.
@kboyd site updated successfully yesterday!
Now, Symfony 5 compat would be great... Is that feasible?
@alessandrolai When I tried that a few years ago, I recall that the internals were *really* coupled to SF2 ideas, and I definitely don't have the energy ("spoons") to unwind that. It would either need careful planning and dedicated implementation time from a capable volunteer ... or, if I'm the only one available to do it, a rewrite.
@kboyd understood. I'll give it a look if I can, and get back to you if I find a way to avoid the rewrite.