Spitfire Audio releases Spitfire Swarms for Kontakt Player https://rekkerd.org/spitfire-audio-releases-spitfire-swarms-for-kontakt-player/
Spitfire Audio releases Spitfire Swarms for Kontakt Player https://rekkerd.org/spitfire-audio-releases-spitfire-swarms-for-kontakt-player/
Spitfire Audio releases The Albions Orchestral Selects https://rekkerd.org/spitfire-audio-releases-the-albions-orchestral-selects/
I would have purchased #SpitfireAudio's latest BBC Radiophonic Workshop library without question but since their UI's are notoriously difficult to use without NKS support and it's not listed on the page, no buy. Also can't log in, can't add to cart, so... Telling me to not spend money I guess. Oh well.
Spitfire Audio updates Spitfire Symphony Orchestra https://rekkerd.org/spitfire-audio-updates-spitfire-symphony-orchestra/
Spitfire Audio releases Symphonic Extras instrument library https://rekkerd.org/spitfire-audio-releases-symphonic-extras-instrument-library/
Vacances vraiment salutaires où je prends enfin le temps de créer un préfixe Wine par marque de VST. Non seulement plus de soucis avec Spitfire, mais en plus je peux enfin tester d'autres moteurs de samples dans de bonnes conditions. Soundpaint fonctionne, ce qui est plutôt chouette (espérons juste qu'ils ne se contenteront pas de recycler de vieilles librairies 8Dio ou Tonehammer... Ça date). Prochain test, Sine Player d'orchestral tools. #linux #mao #yabridge #wine #spitfireaudio #soundpaint
J'ai enfin pris le temps de réinstaller mes VST Spitfire sur un nouveau préfixe... Et ça fonctionne Et c'était même moins compliqué que prévu ! #wine #linux #Yabridge #spitfireaudio
Spitfire Audio releases Tutti orchestral performance tool https://rekkerd.org/spitfire-audio-releases-tutti-orchestral-performance-tool/
Spitfire Audio updates Albion ONE to v2.0 with new content and fixes https://rekkerd.org/spitfire-audio-updates-albion-one-to-v2-0-with-new-content-and-fixes/
Spitfire Audio launches Summer Sale 2024 https://rekkerd.org/spitfire-audio-summer-sale/
Unlike #SpitfireAudio that release new products every 53.25 seconds, most of which are just... Meh, ProjectSam don't, but when they do... Oh boy they're great. Can't wait.
Yup, yup - Benn's another good person who won't keep quiet just cos someone bungs him money.
I got a #Push3 and it comes bundled with loads of #SpitfireAudio libraries. I didn't download or install any, of course, cos I don't want my music to smell of watery poohs.
I'm still fucked-off that Ableton are doing LOADS of free promo for the TERFy #SpitfireAudio and only a few people are speaking out about them, one of them being RedMeansRecording.
If I can channel even a few pennies away from that hatemonger, it's worth it.
Hey, well done again on not letting #SpitfireAudio's #transphobia slide.
I wish other synth YTers were similarly principled, the silence is maddening.
Have a strange little thing I did this morning with the #SpitfireAudio #Labs #AutographGrand #piano for no reason at all. Just playing around with a very simple #SuperMario riff or something.
Great to see even companies like @RogueAmoeba here on #Mastodon. This, I found out from their email newsletter which, unlike *some* companies I could mention (cough cough #SpitfireAudio) is #accessible for #ScreenReader users. Great work people.
@patrick_h_lauke Sigh, this is all #SpitfireAudio and #Heavyocity for music companies as well. FML.
Playing this weird but cool Tape piano from #SpitfireAudio #Labs, in the rain as captured from very wet dynamic mics in my back garden. Just to clarify, I myself am not in the rain because that would be annoying.
There is a new free synth in town
LABS — Classic Synths https://labs.spitfireaudio.com/classic-synths