@jdecool people ignore errors?
@carbontwelve There are several reasons (more or less valid) to do it.
And I would like to know how common it is and get an idea of the baseline sizes.
@jdecool 6014 files, 273 errors ignored, level 8
@phphil Thanks for your answer
@jdecool Here are numbers from four projects I work on regularly.
Projects that had SA right from the start:
1. 513 files, 35 ignored
2. 924 files, 97 ignored
Legacy Projects, SA was added later:
3. 830 files, 1475 ignored
4. 4040 files, 1939 ignored
@weph Thanks for your anwser
@omerida I love it
@jdecool it's technically true too :) I don't ignore any using baseline. There are a couple of things I have to ignore on a current project because of how the CMS does things.
@jdecool - I have about 2000 errors in my baseline for about 250,000 lines of code. (Down from about 8000 when I started using phpstan.)
AFAICT, most are caused by two things:
1) I have an error-handler so functions like file_get_contents() will throw exceptions instead of returning false.
2) Every SQL query (Laravel QueryBuilder) gives a return type of mixed, and I don't see a way to tell it what columns/types are returned.
@fisharebest Thanks for your detailed answer
@jdecool too many
Level 8, 837 errors
@mitelg Thanks for your answer
@jdecool IMHO there's no "bad" number, the important thing is to get that number gradually down.
In fact, I suggest to use the baseline to raise the level immediately to 7, and start from there, instead of raising the level gradually.
Same for PHPStan upgrades: better to upgrade immediately than to be stuck because you have too many new errors.
@alessandrolai Agree. There's no judgement.
Just want to have an idea of numbers :)