OK #HTML #SEO #CSS #A11Y #accessibility #WebDev #WebDeveloper people out there, #roast my #template, or well, what could be fixed or #improved I should #ask: https://codepen.io/ellisgl/pen/bGjGaQZ
@ellisgl i mean at one point i had clicked reply and then was like "no, the new bob is 10% less of an arse."
@bobmagicii well, I'm thinking I should move the date time and tags above the content, sans black background.
Also not sure how I should go about shrinking the width of the content, so it's easier to read.
@ellisgl dont really have any advice, im super lazy and use bootstrap on everything so that it just accidentally looks and functions ok.
@bobmagicii @ellisgl I bought a personal license for #TailwindUI. It's not cheap, but I thought it was reasonable for a one-time payment with free updates for life. They're always adding new components and templates. https://tailwindui.com
@ramsey @ellisgl does it come precompiled? last i looked at tailwind it was not compiled and i could not afford to get angry at js/css toolchain ecosystems yet again. thats how we ended up on bootstrap 5 this iteration.
but im also not really mad since my own framework also ended up as v5 this iteration.
@ellisgl @bobmagicii It’s not precompiled. I set it up with Symfony Encore, PostCSS, and AlpineJS somehow. I honestly can’t remember how it works right now, but once I had it going, it worked very nicely. I was rewriting my website, but I stepped away from the project some months ago. I plan to start working on it again next week. https://github.com/ramsey/website
@ramsey @ellisgl @bobmagicii Frontend & backend dev here. In most cases tailwindUI is very good. I mostly make applications rather than websites, and this is where frameworks shine.
@ellisgl This, also made by the folks behind Tailwind CSS, is absolutely chock-full of little design tips that non-designers can apply to their projects. It is worth every penny. https://www.refactoringui.com