New Blog Post: "Obsidian Support for League CommonMark" #PHP #Obsidian #CommonMark
@elazar Nicely done!!
@colinodell Thanks! To be honest, I'm not sure my implementation is particularly good aside from the fact that it seems to work. Would love some feedback if you're willing and find the time.
@elazar just took a quick look and it seems pretty good to me :) Hopefully it wasn't too hard for you to figure out some of the oddities with how the parser engine works
@elazar I tend to export to pdf: would that not work for your group?
@dconley From what I gather, you can only export one note at a time and the PDF doesn't include any other notes that the exported note links to.
@elazar Oh, yep! You can do transclusion, ie `![[note]]` to include it, but yeah you don't get the whole thing. I misunderstood the use case. Very cool!