For non English speaking coders...
Especially if working in #DDD
#UbiquitousLanguage requires common language & terminology in code and business
Yet, I see many benefits of coding in English....
- code homogeneity between public front end and internal code
- easier to find subcontractors
- English kinda is _the_ standard
- devs are more used to it
- pear review
- "auditability" (For context, my company's lg is FR... but HQ is British)
- ...
What do you do ?
(Boosts appreciated)
@dgoosens On my current project we use both. The code is in English, but nouns that are part of the ubiquitous business language are in Dutch. Translating business concepts into English would unnecessarily complicate understanding and communicating about functionality. Non-Dutch developers only need to pick up the names of a few concepts, just like remembering the names of your co-workers ;)
@dgoosens Also, I find that, in an agile environment, developing a ubiquitous language is hard enough without also introducing translations.
@youth very good point... thanks a lot