For non English speaking coders...
Especially if working in #DDD
#UbiquitousLanguage requires common language & terminology in code and business
Yet, I see many benefits of coding in English....
- code homogeneity between public front end and internal code
- easier to find subcontractors
- English kinda is _the_ standard
- devs are more used to it
- pear review
- "auditability" (For context, my company's lg is FR... but HQ is British)
- ...
What do you do ?
(Boosts appreciated)
@dgoosens code in mostly English, but I've decided that loosely translating Norwegian concepts (I work with cadastre-data a lot) makes no sense.
So, I might use a variable named selectedKommune instead of selectedMunicipality for example.
Makes a lot of sense
But then wondering (and don’t know how NO grammar works)
But will you follow EN grammar rules or NO ?
for instance, in FR I would write
in EN, that would be getFrWordId()
(I prefer the latter myself)
@dgoosens mixing grammar is difficult, yeah. But no/en is pretty similar in terms of grammar, so rarely a problem. Plurals can be a challenge, for sure, but I think I tend to treat Norwegian words as loanwords in English and thus follow English grammar rules...