What I did for myself today
1. Played B Flower Seed with the front and back yards...hopefully will have a flower lawn soon
2. Took pictures of flowers and insects
3. Attended group therapy for caregiver burnout
#BloomScrolling #Spring #Flowers #NativePlants #Midwest
Blue skies today so I retook the daffodils pic with the willow oak (Quercus phellos) in the background.
Which pic is better? https://mastodon.world/@jblue/114179925692540009
Welcome back strawberry, fig, and blueberry. Missed ya!
#Gardening #Spring
Happy Chaharshanbe Suri to Iranians!
I saw the Brussels Iranian community was leaping over the flames in the Parc Cinquantenaire, in the European quarter
Beautiful blooming blackthorn. #BloomScrolling #Trees #SpringFlowers #Spring
In Sichtweite meines Heimbüros wollen zwei #Elstern zu Eltern werden. Sie schleppen Zweige von weither heran, um sie akribisch korrekt in ihr Kugelnest zu flechten. Gelegentlich paaren sie sich auf dem Nest, begutachten es dann von oben nochmal genau und fliegen wieder neue Zweige sammeln.
Came across this representation of 'The Green Man', sometimes called a 'foliate head', in a shop stocking weird and wonderful things inspired by mythical stories and ancient legends.
Often used as a motif in architecture and art, the image is of a face surrounded by foliage.
It is usually considered as a symbol of rebirth and of the cycle of new growth that occurs every spring.
Seems appropriate posting this now with the Spring Equinox arriving this coming Thursday morning.
#greenman #spring #equinox #symbol #photography
Every year , around the first official Spring Day, the Sun will appear again beyond the corner of the building near us, looking in south-west direction . Just before Sunset.
(IF the Sun shines...)
Today was the first day the plant in the corner in our room could welcome the first of it .
Post workout TM 3 - stil got d cough
but enjoyed that
#Running #runnersofmastodon #Sport #Health #fitness #retirementplanning #Music #athlete #manflu #workout #tuesday #Spring #march #mentalhealth #mindfulness #runner #cake #RunningPunk #TheSmiths
i'm challenging myself to make a teapot every day.
Here's day #3
It's that time of the year to come out of hibernation! rawr!
This is unfired porcelain. decorated and ready for the kiln!
1/2 I think there can never be too much Kermit in spring. Let's sing!
Spring fever. After a relatively rough winter, things are warming up and the forest is humming with tree frogs, wood frogs, and spring peeps. Ramps (Allium tricoccum) are starting to emerge in our ramp beds. And we've set up a bee hive. Best of all, first snake of the year: an eastern garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis). #frogs #athensoh #snakes #bees #spring