For non English speaking coders...
Especially if working in #DDD
#UbiquitousLanguage requires common language & terminology in code and business
Yet, I see many benefits of coding in English....
- code homogeneity between public front end and internal code
- easier to find subcontractors
- English kinda is _the_ standard
- devs are more used to it
- pear review
- "auditability" (For context, my company's lg is FR... but HQ is British)
- ...
What do you do ?
(Boosts appreciated)
@dgoosens Have also had to have the extension of this conversation. American English vs British English. e.g. Is it "initialize" or "initialise"?
@heiglandreas @dgoosens *Jumps out of an /American/ 1st floor window and lands safely on the ground less than a meter below.*
Muahahahahhaha *juns away laughing in en_US*
@pollita @heiglandreas @dgoosens I bet you start your arrays at 1 as well, don't you! Heathens!
@brunty @heiglandreas @dgoosens Almost universally, *sighs-and-screams-internally* yes.