I'm trying to #visualize a #database schema using #graphviz. Any good reference on this?
@atmorojo Know you asked for #graphviz but have you tried #mermaidjs? Syntax is a bit more complex, but it does support entity relationship diagrams. https://mermaid.js.org/syntax/entityRelationshipDiagram.html
@elazar woah this is so nice! Actually considering D2Lang but haven't had the time to get my hand on it. Would try this later. Thank you!
@atmorojo You're welcome! I also know that @jeremeamia did a great talk on this subject at #LonghornPHP2022 that he will be giving again at #PHPTek2023. Not sure if he's posted the slides online somewhere or not.
@elazar @jeremeamia Found a video of him singing on a Twitter thread! I guess it's the "Diagram like a principal engineer" talk? I'd be awesome if there's any!
@atmorojo @jeremeamia Yeah, it was quite the entertaining talk. Can't recall that I've ever seen any other speaker sing during their talk before. I quite enjoyed it. The talk content was great too. It's what prompted me to look at Mermaid more closely.