Did you attend my talk on Modernizing with Symfony at #SymfonyCon or #SymfonyWorld? I've uploaded my slides. https://slidr.io/derrabus/modernizing-with-symfony-symfonycon-2022
@derrabus thanks for sharing them and for the talk at SFCon! Cool to see the same code I used to start modernising a SF 1.5 project few years ago :)
1. Did you find a way to integrate the runtime component, you also had a question for Nikolas about that :)
2. The solution requires to define as "public" the services you'll need to load from the legacy code (with the 'global $kernel). This could get not so nice if such services are growing in numbers. WDYT?
@thepanz 1. No and I'm not sure it's worth it tbh.
2. Yes, the services have to be public as long as you access them publicly. Given that this is a temporary state, I don't see an issue with that.